Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 Year in Review


Things improved in '22 from the previous two years. I did manage to leave the homestead a few times - a couple of tag-a-long trips with Cuzzin Ricky and the trip to Tulsa for the Golden Gloves Nationals. Also made it to a couple of other boxing matches. Finally made it to a sprint car race this year. Been a long dry spell on the races.

Exercise picked back up - about 300 miles on the bicycle and quite a few walking miles this year. I quit recording my mileage about August for some reason, but I did at least five 5K events and I started going back to the gym on a regular basis the past couple of months. I've got my weight down under 170 for the first time in at least 40 years. Not as strong as I used to be but I'm working on that a little. I was probably in my peak condition mid to late seventies. I was about 172-4 lbs. with very little fat - doubt if I'll ever be in that shape again but no reason not to do what I can. The Missus got her port removed not too long ago. Good sign that the cancer's in remission. That's probably the best news of the year.

Got quite a few things accomplished this past year on the project front. I made good progress on the jitney up until the latter part of the year. Same for the vintage trials bike. Lost my momentum on that project when I sent the motor out. I'm putting the finishing touches on the old boat trailer. It's at the point where it's useable now and looks pretty good. I did several jobs for others - nothing major, but that's the way I like it. The owner of the business I worked for occasionally sold the business, so that will probably be the end of any work there. Lots of odds and ends taken care of around the shack but always plenty to do when you're a homeowner - especially when you've got a bit of acreage and the house is over 100 years old. 

Book count came back up this year - not back up to 50 which was the goal my buddy Kevin and I set for ourselves about ten years ago, but 40 is not bad. In addition to my reading, I've got some DVD courses I need to make time for in '23. 

Nothing major on the agenda for next year other than getting back out again - races primarily - some more boxing matches, and hopefully, a trip to Hawaii. I need to get that last state under my belt to complete my quest of visiting all 50. I'd like to visit my brothers, one in Kansas, one in Ohio. None of us have been traveling the last couple of years. Time for that to change.

Not making too many other plans for next year other than travel and working on the projects, of course. With the way things are going, who the hell knows what the year is going to bring. I'll keep plugging away at the projects, try to be prepared for whatever comes my way and remember to take time to count my many blessings.

Happy New Year, Everyone!

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