Friday, December 2, 2022

Beezer Jersey

I'm in need of another bicycle jersey. I had a couple made up when I did the Portland to Missoula ride with my cycle pal I used to work with. I screwed up and shrunk it in the laundry. I don't like the polyester ones, preferring wool. I checked Rivendell, since I have one of theirs now that I like, but they no longer have that one listed. If I could find a BSA jersey like the ones in the photo, I'd snap that up in a minute. Actually, I'd put it on my Christmas list, since it's that time of year.  

I finished reading this one yesterday. Cameron Hanes is nothing short of a beast. The book is an autobiography of his journey to be the greatest elk hunter with a bow of all time. I'd never heard of him before, and I don't know anyone I'd call an elk hunter, but after reading his book I can't imagine him not holding that title. It's not a training manual but rather it's "just" a listing of what he's done to get in shape for hunting and to stay in that shape. By his own admission, he's obsessed with bow hunting elk and the preparation he feels is necessary to be successful on his hunts. 

I've never been obsessed with any one thing in my life to devote that kind energy. If you've been reading the blog for any length of time, you'll have picked up on the fact that my interests are all over the map. I've done my share of physical activities, maybe more than the average guy, but I couldn't carry his lunch bucket. Good book if you want to see what you're capable of if you're willing to make the sacrifices.


I received an e-mail from Jet-Hot. My header has been received and should be completed around December 21st and I got the 20% off. Sometimes it pays to procrastinate.


  1. I finished my book so you can read it next if you like. The Monkeywrench Gang. It's quite good.
    I still have your Wheelmen jersey that shrunk. You're smaller than you were; maybe try it for size. It damn sure won't fit my fat ass anymore.

  2. If I would look like the BSA crew in it, I'd wear it all the time.
