Wednesday, February 22, 2023



I ordered a counterbore set that came yesterday. I was just going to counterbore the holes in the adaptor plate with a milling cutter, but this set was pretty cheap and most of the work I do is on aluminum, so it should be good for a lifetime. I do have a few counterbores, but now with these and what I already had, I should be set most anything I might need in the future.

I went out for lunch yesterday with a couple of associates in the law enforcement business. Nice little get together and as a bonus, I had an envelope from the restaurant from a previous visit that was worth $50.00. Needless to say, I bought lunch. My luck's been running well as of late. I got a thing in the mail about a raffle for a new Corvette. Maybe I should buy a ticket and see if my luck still holds.

Anyway, after lunch I bead blasted the manifold. After I get it machined, I'll give it another going over to hit a couple of spots I missed and then get it painted up. I'll paint it up Hemi Orange to match the cylinder head - should look good with the aluminum colored block and the nice shiny header. 

The Missus is getting the second cataract surgery today, so not much on the agenda other than taking care of her for the next couple of days. Lot of boxing stuff on the calendar in the future and I found a bicycle ride this summer where my one brother lives. I need to call him and see if I can arrange a visit at that time. It's literally been years since I've seen him. Of course, with the cooties, it's pretty much been years since I've seen most anyone of my family or friends. Definitely time to remedy that.

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