Saturday, February 4, 2023

Furnace Failure


The photo is of Ruth Orkin - quite the lady. She rode her bicycle solo from LA to NYC in 1939. Later became a photographer of note. Her bio is here. Heard about her from here.

A friend sent me a link to the Glen Beck show about the vulnerability of the electric grid. Rather timely since I just got done replacing the thermocouple on the furnace, while the outside temperature was only 10 degrees. If I was going to try and shut down the country and do maximum damage, now would be the time. I could get along quite easily without the grid spring, summer and fall, but winter? A week or so of the current temperatures would become deadly right quick. Depending on the amount of fuel in the propane tank, I could probably make a week before I started shivering but not much beyond that. Don't know what else I can reasonably do to prepare beyond what I've already done. Hopefully I'll never have to find out.


  1. if the grid goes down from EMP and everything is dead, we wouldn't know what happened or if and when power would come back or how much damage it caused or if power can be restored and if restored for how long and did it destroy every circuit board in everything. then who did it. was it the sun or terrorist, who and how. we need real leadership RIGHT NOW.

  2. I'm afraid there won't be any real leadership any time in the foreseeable future. Just remember the words of Bush the younger when talking about Katrina: "Doing a heckuva a job there Brownie." The reality was nothing like that, of course. My brother Johnny had it pegged more than ten years ago: "We're boned." That pretty well sums it up.

  3. If there's a crisis in winter, come to my house.
