Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Pooh On The Weather


Poo on this cold. It was 3 degrees yesterday morning at 6:30. It did get up to close to 20 later in the day. Fortunately, it was sunny and mostly calm. I was out for a while - went to the store, walked the dog and brought wood in. Didn't even open the door to the shop, though. 

I decided to cook myself some grub suitable for single digits temps. Vegan chili with cornbread baked on top. The recipe called for TVP (textured vegetable protein). I've never used that stuff but I doctored up the recipe with some mushrooms and a couple of other things. Tasty and good for you. I've been working on getting the diet back on track. Seems to be working. The weight's under 170 now. Not by much, but it's still a win. I'm looking for 165 - should make it if I stay on the program and keep working out. 

I was at the gym Saturday, Sunday and Monday - not my normal schedule by any means. In fact, my normal schedule is Monday only, but now we're doing a Sunday workout for the guys getting ready for the Gloves. I need to get something else going in the middle of the week as well. 

I need to get myself in shape so I'll look good in my new jersey I ordered yesterday. I was on the exercise bike at the gym Monday, planning on getting on the trainer down the basement a couple of days a week now. Times are hard now, going to be a lot harder this year from what I've been reading. We all need to be getting in shape for when the bottom drops out.

It's supposed to be warmer today and tomorrow, get cold again Friday but be back in the forties next week. I'm going to try and get the spacers for the manifold done today or tomorrow. Every day a little something.

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