Thursday, February 9, 2023

Rubber Band Man


Not much going on in the shop. I've been working on putting tax records together, as well as getting rid of some of the old ones. It was pretty calm yesterday, so I fired up the burn barrel and got rid of about 15 years' worth of old receipts. I'm also working on downsizing some of the other stuff we no longer need to be tripping over. 

My exercise band ripped on one side where it fastens to the handle. There's normally something like a marble stuffed into the tube to keep it from pulling through the handle. I thought I might be able to stick a marble back in it but I quickly gave up on that idea. No way that was going to work. Instead I used a barbed hose fitting. I put a flat washer on the fitting, slipped it into the tubing and then used some safety wire to clamp it. Seems like it's a good fix. If not, I'll be the first to know.

Since I'm going to be spending a lot of time with the boxing gym, I need to get my taxes done and finish some more things that need to be done around the shack. It's going to be a busy spring, but the days are getting longer and warmer. Looking forward to getting outside and being able to work in the shop with the big doors open.

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