Monday, February 20, 2023

Trailer Completion - Sort Of

It was a beautiful day yesterday. Temps were in the mid-fifties and the sun was out. There were some wind gusts but for this time of the year, it's about all a guy can hope for. After working with the fighters in the morning, I figured it would be a prime day for installing the aluminum angle around the top of the plywood sides. The pieces were all cut and the holes were all drilled and countersunk, so it didn't take long at all. The sides are about 6'-6" long and the angles I bought were 6' lengths, so they're about 6" too short. I've got a piece long enough to fill in one side but I'll have to see if I can find a piece at the hardware store or Menards. If not, I'll just order a short piece next time I make a steel order. I'm still considering painting the outside of the sides. No hurry on that, though. So, depending on the paint, I'm about 99% finished with that one.

I need to get some more done on my taxes and a few other things, but things are progressing around here. I still haven't put together a regular workout plan but I'm doing some things to keep from regressing any more. The hours are changing at the gym, so I'm going to give it a week or two to see how things shake out and then firm up my weekly routine. Definitely want to do a few long distance rides on the bike this year. However, I'll never be like this babe:

Eileen Sheridan, who just passed away about a week ago at the ripe old age of 99. The Daily Time Waster had this photo and a short bio with some of her accomplishments. Absolutely incredible athlete. I would urge you to follow the link and then type in her name in the search box or scroll back a few days and read it. Afterwards, you can ask yourself why you haven't done more with your life. I've done quite a bit in my 72 years, but I couldn't carry this gal's lunch bucket. Rest in peace, Ms. Sheridan. I'm sure you were an inspiration to many young women back in the fifties, and as I understand it, she still holds a few records some sixty years on.

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