Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Looking Back & The Present


The One Drive on my computer shows me images that are "this day in history". This one is from my trip to Ireland four years ago. That's the Blarney Stone up there where the two people are. Before going to Ireland I just assumed the Blarney Stone was just some big rock somewhere. Instead, it's a stone inlaid into the wall of the Blarney castle. Yours truly took the opportunity to kiss the stone, just the same. I received an e-mail recently from one of the sister companies, either Cosmos or Globus, that included a trip to both Northern Ireland and The Free Republic of Ireland. I sure wouldn't mind going back there.

I ran my errands yesterday that I had to postpone from Monday due to the storm. I bought myself a chainsaw while I was out and I met with my insurance agent. I also checked out a new bank. It's a community bank, which I know very little about. The lady at the bank didn't enlighten me much on what community banks are and how they compare to other banks, so I'm still pretty much in the dark. I've been reading some concerning things about the banking industry and a community bank might be the answer. This is going to require some more investigation.

I unboxed the carb for the jitney yesterday, mostly just to see how it was going to look on the manifold. That's as far as it went, though. We got the call that our new windows were coming today, so I had to move some furniture and a few other things. Even though it's late winter, we should get enough cold weather yet to get an idea as to their efficiency. With the new windows and the fireplace insert, the heating bill should be drastically reduced in the future. If not, I'm going to be mighty disappointed.

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