Saturday, March 4, 2023

Snow Day


Snowy day yesterday. Started off with rain early and then switched to a wet snow. One of those snowfalls with the big flakes that built up pretty quick once the temperature dropped a bit. We had a total snow fall of about 5 inches. I stayed in the shack all day except when I went out to get the mail, check on the birds and bring some more firewood in. I had about a 1/2" of snow build-up on my coat by the time I finished the chores. 

My running buddy/fellow boxing coach and I took our fighter to the Hammond Boxing Club Thursday evening for some sparring. He went six rounds with two of their boxers, and looked real good in the process. His sparring partners were no slouches, either. All the work we've been doing with him seems to be paying off. There's still some fine tuning to be done, but hopefully, he'll look good in Detroit.

Depending on the road conditions this morning, we're supposed to head down to Indy again for some more sparring. I don't care to venture out on the roads any more when they're icy and snowing, however. I might have to sit this one out.

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