Monday, May 15, 2023

Belfast Bare Knuckle Boxing



Judy Parker Burt and I are soooooooo EXCITED to be able to do this for the Belfast NY Community!!! When I was a youth Belfast did me a great turn that positively changed my life’s path forever. I said then I didn’t know what it would be, but somehow, someway, I’d do something for them sometime in my life to show my deep appreciation. I have since restored and saved the Historic barns that the Great Bareknuckler John L. Sullivan trained in back in 1889, the 1890s landmark mausoleum in the center of the cemetery, recently saved the condemned building at 25 Main Street, brought to our proud town Apollo Creed’s original training ring as seen in Rocky 2, represented Belfast as I helped identify Sullivan’s Boston belt at the Smithsonian, donated a Police Gazette Boxing Corporation medallion for display with Belfast, New York, on the ribbon to the Smithsonian too……and now….… something I’ve been working on for a while as a surprise. I have hunted down, hired JimandMary Young to retrieve it for me, and will be returning Belfast’s Original 1910 jail cell lockup to within 10 feet of its original location on Main Street!!!!!! This is SO COOL!!!! Having a heavy cast brass plaque being made now!!! Taking front wall of building down this week so Jim and H Carvings Greg Hollier can get the jail inside!!!


The above was posted by Scott Burt on social media. He's quite the guy. In addition to everything he's done for the lovely little town of Belfast, New York, he also brought back legal bare knuckle boxing matches that he promotes both here in the states and internationally. Yours truly and my boxing buddy, Jimmy, from our local gym, were the first people to stay and train in the barns since John L. Quite the honor - definitely one for the highlight reel. 

I don't know what the good turn the town of Belfast did for Scott, but he's probably repaid the debt many times over by now. The Bare Knuckle Boxing Hall of Fame hosts an Induction Ceremony every year. I was recognized about ten years ago during the annual weekend event. In addition to sleeping in the barn, I also took part in the "Ramble With Bramble" 5K with former WBA Lightweight World Champion Livingstone Bramble. I believe the ceremony is scheduled for July 8th this year, and it's part of Belfast's weekend long festival. The event is usually a sell-out, so contact Scott and get your tickets. If you can't make it to the annual event, give Scott a call and arrange a tour. You'll be able to go through the barns where both John L. Sullivan and Shop Teacher Bob stayed.

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