Friday, August 4, 2023

Life During War Times


Seems to be an appropriate time to post this one up - especially after listening to all the "talking heads" on the television yesterday discussing the arrest of President Trump. Not sure if what's occurring is a coup or a communist takeover but we're never going to vote our way out of this mess.

With the antics in Washington and the talk of nuclear war with Russia, NATO and the Ukrainians, I figured it was time for me to take another look at my preps and survival plan. 

Physically, other than the shoulder injury, I'm in pretty damn good shape for an old duffer in his seventies. However, that has put a limit on some of the things in my survival plan. The garden has suffered - hoeing weeds is on the painful side. Even if the garden was weed free, I didn't plant enough for canning or preserving the harvest in any way. The photo above of my lunch yesterday was a combination of fresh produce and things from the pantry and freezer. Normally, it's a good, healthy way to eat. Not so sure if the same would hold true in a SHTF scenario. I've got a bucket of emergency seeds but realistically, I can only harvest produce for about four months, tops. If things were to go bad in November, having a garden plot wouldn't be much help. 

I do have some emergency food stuffs but I need to resupply some of the canned goods and check the expiration dates. The freezer has a decent selection of frozen veggies and fruit but that will require electricity to maintain. I'd like to think I'm pretty well fixed for a short to medium power outage. Again, depending on the time of year, things could get pretty dicey trying to keep warm or cool as needed, as well as pumping water. 

We got the new fireplace insert last year increasing the efficiency of the fireplace. However, to use it to its full potential it requires electricity. The new windows seem to be helping with the cooling this summer but we haven't had the opportunity to see how much they help keeping the house warm.

Since I'm on light duty I'm going to take a couple days and check my food stuffs as well as items like toilet paper, paper towels, plates, personal hygiene items, medicines, and first aid items. 

Even if things don't go sideways due to a political cause, you never know what Mother Nature will throw at you.

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