Thursday, August 24, 2023

Raccoon Stripper Pole

The grandson and I finished the mailbox job. He had a little trouble with the layout - still struggling with his fractions. The bottom of the box is bent from the accident, so we checked for plumb and square a couple of different ways, got it tacked up and then he finish welded it. His welding is still a little rough but a few years' worth of practice will take care of that.

Two views of the little pepper from my little kitchen garden. I love the stripes. Don't know how it tastes yet but it looks like it would make a nice addition to a salad.

The temperature yesterday was hot. Chicago beat the old record by one degree, plus the dew point was 80 degrees for a heat index of around 115. Might have been a little cooler around here but not enough to make a difference. I'm helping with a barn raising this morning. Six o'clock start and they're planning on being done by 11:30. I don't know if I'll make it that long. The forecast calls for temps a little hotter even than yesterday. We haven't had any hot weather around here - at least not enough for me to have gotten acclimated to it. I've done a lot of hot jobs over the years so I know how to take care of myself, but I'm not a youngster anymore.