Thursday, September 21, 2023

Bicycle Repair Man


I used to watch Monty Python every week on the local PBS station - don't know where they came up with their ideas, but definitely entertaining.

The seat on this aluminum framed bicycle is cantilevered out behind the shock mount. I should have included a photo of the whole bike to make it easier to see where the cracked section is located and better understand why it cracked, but I wanted to show the original weld and the new crack in detail.

This photo gives a better idea of how it all works as well as the finished weld on the right side of the bike. The seat post is the tube on the far left of the photo. 

The left side had a crack through the middle of the original repair, plus another crack that ran along the bottom edge. I ground the weld down and rewelded it. There was nothing wrong with the original repair. The material is just too thin for the type of service the bike was subjected to. The bike is now in the hands of a new owner who I would assume will take it a little easier on the jumps. I contemplated adding some additional gusseting but think it should be fine now.

Bicycle Repair Man to the rescue once again! 

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