Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It's a Very Strange World


Master Jack came out in 1968, the year I graduated from high school. '68 was a very strange world, but in retrospect, nothing compared to what's going on now and the last couple of years. Obviously, you can't downplay Vietnam, but we've had riots, big bank bankruptcies, and if we keep the proxy war going against the Russians, we're going to have more than we can handle, maybe even on the home front. Let's not forget the pandemic, either. It's now becoming painfully obvious that everything associated with Covid-19 and the vaccines was total bullshit. In fact, some would say the whole deal was manufactured, both the virus and the "cure", to start reducing the population. Scary shit, right there.

I went to the doctor yesterday and, as I suspected, he cut me loose. However, since I'm not back to 100 percent, he said to keep doing my therapy and start doing some strength training. Since I actually did my therapy as he had instructed and he knew I was a boxing instructor, I think he figured I might actually do what he suggested. He explained the benefits of the strength training for my blood sugar and my overall health. He gave me the print-out "Barbell Training is Big Medicine" from Starting Strength. This fits right in with my plan of getting signed up at a health club. 

On the way home I stopped at the county park to check out the trails for our Sunday walks/hikes. The park focuses on farm life from around 1910 as well as an earlier section of the park with a log home and outbuildings. The trails are nice and we'll be able to do a 3-4 mile walk and it's close to home.

It's been quite a while since I've taken any photos with a film camera. I dug this one out a couple of weeks ago and put a roll of film in it. Since it's a box camera, there aren't any aperture or shutter speed adjustments. I used ASA 125 film, which is faster than what was probably used back when the camera was new. And the shutter might be a little slower than originally due to its age, which means the negatives might be over exposed by a stop or two. Only one way to find out and that's to get the roll developed. I shot the roll on one of our Sunday hikes and at the county park so no once in a lifetime shots. I'm going to load another roll in one of my good twin lens cameras and when I get that one shot up, I'll mix up some fresh chemicals and develop both rolls.

I installed the new trim on the shop window after I got home. One of the 2x4s was a little warped, so the joints aren't quite as tight as I would like, but that's what caulk is for. Depending on the weather, I want to get it caulked today and then paint over the nail heads and give it a second coat.

Busy day yesterday. I'm hoping to keep my momentum up for a while. I've got more to do outside and with the nice weather, it's a good time to do it. It's nice to be able to use both arms again.

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