A couple of interesting photos taken from the social media site that starts with an F. The braze welding in the top photo is fabulous. Lots of talent and skill to get to that point. Bottom photo, I never knew anyone that collected and displayed drum brakes before. Not really all that surprising, though.
Though photo doesn't show enough detail of the front wheel, but the hub is one that I made myself. It was quite a bit of machine work, but it runs true and stops well. The frame is made from aircraft strut tubing, engine from my 350 Sprint/Aermacchi vintage racer.
Front tire for the Sportster arrived yesterday - tube should be here today. It's an all weather tire which is important since 99.9% of the time the bike be parked where it's dry.
I was ordering a few things from Midway, and as I'm wont to do, I perused the surplus stuff. I came across this rucksack and decided I'd take a chance. It was listed as Grade 3, so I knew it wasn't going to be primo, but it matches the duffle I bought years ago I take on my bicycle trailer. Both of them are Italian army surplus. If you look closely you can see the two straps. The one on the right has a fastener like on the strap on a pair of bib overalls. The strap on the left has none. There's a grommet that has pulled out where the cinch cord closes up the inside of the pack but everything else seems to be A-OK. I'm pretty sure I can reinstall the grommet, if not, I've got a grommet tool. As for the missing strap fastener, that should be easy enough to take care of as well.
I didn't really need this thing but my other pack is really too big for rucking or day-hiking. Rucking is part of my new fitness routine. However, I'm going to have to heal up a bit first. I aggravated my mysterious chest ailment the other day. So when I went to the health club Monday, things didn't go quite as planned. I did get the line-up on the different machines. I'm heading there again soon but the chest is still annoying me. I'll take it easy, do some leg work, put my "girdle" on and work the heavy bag for a couple of rounds.
I probably have everything you need to fix the bag.
ReplyDeleteThanks, but the missing fastener is made from steel that is about 1/8" in diameter. I doubt you'll have anything that will duplicate the original. I should be able to knock one out without too much trouble. As you're aware, I like tinkering with these kind of jobs.
ReplyDeleteI meant I could make it serviceable but yeah, of course you can fix it too.