Cool song - fits right in with our times. I forgot the link to the site I got it from, unfortunately. There were a couple other songs there that were worth listening to also.
This one is from the Running 'Cause I Can't Fly2 blog listed on the side. I'm not familiar with the lady doing the interview but I've listened to several of Gerald Celente's diatribes, if you will. He's very accurate with his predictions, as well as being very profane, however, as a guy who swears like a stevedore, I can relate.
The primary point that I took away from the interview is we need peace in this world. It's obvious we can't rely on the hawks and warmongers in Washington who line their pockets and distract the voters from other issues. Gerald says it's up to each of us to stand up, speak out for peace and quit supporting the bozos spending billions of our hard earned money killing and maiming millions of young men and women. I don't have a very large audience on the blog, but I'm telling everyone who reads this, it's long past time to stop this foolishness. Gerald's absolutely correct on this.
Meanwhile back at the shack, I took the rear wheel off the Sportster yesterday.
It took a bit of work to break the bead loose but drop center wheels like this one make removing the tire fairly easy. In the right of the photo you can see the tire irons. The three on the right are factory made but they really aren't long enough to wrestle most of the tires off or on the rim. The two long ones are a couple I made. They make the job go a lot easier, just too long for an on the bike tool kit.
I'm going to finish polishing up the rim and paint the brake drum before mounting the tire. When I bought this pig it was supposed to be just straighten out a few things and go for a ride. Since that didn't happen, I keep getting in deeper and deeper, but I'm planning on keeping it which is why I'm going to put a new chain on it also. What's another hundred bucks, right?
Went to the health club again yesterday. Feeling more comfortable using the machines and I've got a routine established that I can follow for a while. I'm starting slow and easy but by Christmas I should see a big difference. The shoulder hasn't been complaining and the range of motion has come back nicely. I should be able to go to the beach next summer without the bully kicking sand in my face.
Happy birthday to Surly!
it deserves every detail. those wheels are beautiful.