Saturday, October 7, 2023



3/8" x .035" wall 304 stainless steel as delivered.

Same tubing after bending into the framework for the Sportster rack. Took me a little bit to get it bent like the pattern. The die starts the bend about 3/8" behind the keeper, so the layout of the tube has to take that into account. Not really a problem with the first two bends, but after that the distance between the bends has to be spot on - came out pert near perfect. I need to decide if I'm going to TIG weld this thing or silver solder the parts. Silver solder's not the best choice for a butt joint but the center tube will be bridging the seam. The bicycle rack in the previous post was all silver soldered - looks good and it has held up real well.

In addition to working on the rack, I got the generator reinstalled and did a couple of jobs on the home front. Big change in the weather yesterday - almost cold with rain. Definitely time to get on the winterizing jobs. I want to put a new door on the back of the house. I've been putting it off due to the bad shoulder but I should be up to it now. Maybe bring the grandson in on the job.

I saw an ad in the AMA magazine for a rather odd but perhaps extremely useful motorcycle if you need something for trail maintenance in the hills or hauling gear as long as you're not in a hurry. Take a look at it here.

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