Friday, December 22, 2023

Scratch It If It Itches

That's me - itchin' like a man on a fuzzy tree. I thought I had scabies but the doc says it's some type of rash similar to athlete's foot. I figure I picked it up at the health club but who the hell knows. It sure as shit itches, though. He prescribed a 10 day treatment and I hope it works. 

I've read 29 books this year, so I went to the library to get an easy read to finish off the year with an even 30 on the count. I just finished a couple by Tim Dorsey, found them enjoyable, so I thought I'd grab another one by him. However, while perusing the new book section, I came across this little doozy. I started reading it yesterday while in the waiting room of the surgery center while the Missus was getting some work done. I'm about 50 pages into it and it's very interesting. I'll definitely get this one finished by the end of the year. 

This one was on the shelf of new books also. I never read any book that's 500 pages or more, but after you subtract all the references in the back, it's under 500 - not much under but under just the same. I might check that one out and give it a go. I've read a few blogs that mention the "fourth turning" so I think it would be a great idea. Add this one and the previous one together and they should keep my paranoia well fed for quite a while.

I'm hoping the Stoic philosophy will steer me in that direction. It's only going to get worse from here.

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