Saturday, February 24, 2024

As The Day Went


I looked out at the corn field/front yard yesterday morning and saw what I initially thought was a turkey. However, the build didn't look right, so I grabbed the binoculars and saw it was a Bald Eagle out amongst the corn stubble. It took off before I could get a photo of it but it was carrying something in its talons. I'm guessing it was a rabbit - couldn't tell since I was looking into the sun and it was in the shadow of the eagle's body. Pretty impressive bird, though. 

I met up with a former student of mine for breakfast after that. He's a student I had in class 30 years ago. We had a nice chat. Sometimes you forget the impact you have on your students. At least in this case, it was positive. He's done well for himself, glad I was able to help with that in some small way.

He gifted me a cool key chain fob with a real scorpion. That's something you don't see every day, Chauncey.

After breakfast I moseyed on down the road a bit to the jewelry store. I bought a solar powered Seiko watch from them about a dozen years ago and it seemed to be slowing down like it was in need of a new battery. I had checked the instruction booklet and it warned of using a regular battery in it. The instructions said take the watch to a pro for the battery replacement. However, they told me at the jewelry store it doesn't have a battery in it, it has a capacitor and to replace it would cost $150.00 American dollars. The young lady helping me said in a case like this, they put the watch in the window for a week and see what happens. Since the book said it had a replaceable battery and I've got a sunny window, I'll just leave in the bright sunlight for a week and see if it charges up. If not, maybe I'll send a missive off to Seiko and see what the say about a battery replacement. 

I got my MRI scheduled after I got home - took me a few phone calls and the earliest date that was open is three weeks from now, but I'm on the calendar and hopefully it'll show something that can be remedied.

In the meantime, just going to have to take it easy and tinker with little things.

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