Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Buying Spree


While installing the outside shop light, I decided I needed a new tubing cutter and a couple of other tools. I've got tools in the shop, garage and in the house. I decided to check out all areas and fill in the blanks to save myself having to walk from one spot to the next when working on a project. Save myself some time and shoe leather for a minimum of expense.

I ordered two Least Heat-Moon books, the first one showed up yesterday. It appears to be brand new, but both of them were only ten bucks. It's nice being able to order damn near anything from BezoMart without leaving the house. I could have gotten the tubing cutter and the pliers most anywhere locally, but the not so with the de-burring tool. And with Prime, no delivery fee.

I ordered myself another wool jersey from the same outfit I got the BSA jersey. They aren't cheap, but I might as well splurge and spend some of my first paycheck from the college on myself. The class is a lot more trouble than I had bargained for. Instead of just showing up and answering any questions the students might have, I'm spending a couple of hours of prep time for each night. Spending some of the fiat money before it becomes totally worthless.

Don't know how much cycling I'll be doing this summer, though. When I went to the chiropractor last week, my mysterious chest injury reacted poorly. I felt something tear when he pushed on my spine. I can't do much of anything now without some pain. I have a feeling this is going to require surgery to repair. At least now, it might be able to be properly diagnosed and dealt with.

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