The rotary table showed up on Tuesday but I didn't have time to look at it until yesterday. The outside of the table has degree markings around the perimeter and there is a vernier scale that according to the manual should be able to give 10 second readings. I need 28 grooves on the shift levers but there isn't a 28 hole plate for the dividing head so I'll have to figure out all the locations using degrees, minutes and seconds. It's easy enough to come up with a digital degree number, not so much with the minutes and seconds. I haven't done anything like this in a while so I'll need to do some math, but before I do that I'll check the Machinery's Handbook. There's a good chance they'll already have done the math.
Heading to oral surgery this morning. Not sure what the outcome of that's going to be, but I'm guessing it'll be painful whatever it is.
I'm making you a spreadsheet. Stand by.