Saturday, March 30, 2024

Why Don't You Do Right


I've always liked Peggy Lee. She was a contemporary of my dad and was on the television and radio quite a bit when I was growing up. In addition to being an extremely popular singer, she was an actress and a prolific song writer. Her maiden name was Norma Egstrom but her father's family name was Ekstrom. Coincidentally, I've got an Ekstrom in my family history. 

Since I've again been working on the family history, I've been able to add several more generations across both my family tree and the wife's. I've got all of that entered into the computer program but I need to add it to my master genealogy chart and then type up an insert for my records and to have for anyone else that might be interested.

I received a call from the tax lady in need of a bit more information. The Missus and I were working on that when I got a call from Jimmy from the boxing gym's dad. He had a couple of truck wheels with some rust holes in them he wanted brazed up. Since it was a nice day and it didn't seem like it was going to hurt my chest, I told him to bring them over. The first thing I noticed when I went out to the shop was evidence of a raccoon having been present. After a bit of coon cleanup, I brazed up the wheels. 

Jimmy's dad is a few years older than I am but we both enjoy working and staying active. I always enjoy talking shop and comparing notes with him on our medical issues. 

I'm going to get the trap baited again for the raccoon. If I catch him, I'll have to have someone else bring the trap down from the attic. Bringing the trap down with a raccoon moving around in it is hard enough when I'm healthy. Not a good idea with my bad chest.

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