Saturday, April 6, 2024


 Cuzzin Ricky, TVI and I went to Our Place Restaurant in Brook, Indiana on Thursday in search of the elusive pork tenderloin sandwich. The restaurant stands out on Main Street like a diamond in a pig's ass. It's a new business in a town that is struggling to stay alive judging by all the closed storefronts on Main. The Missus and I went to Brook several times years ago for their 4th of July Festival. It wasn't exactly a boom town then but most of the storefronts were occupied. I did a 5K race there in 2017 that was part of a four-race series in the county - three of which were in small towns during their festivals and the other during the county fair. If you did all four you got a free tee shirt. 

The restaurant truly was a bright spot though. Nice place inside, the sandwiches and the service were good, and the prices were quite reasonable. Big-ass tenderloin, fries and a drink for $11.00, with enough leftover tenderloin for another meal at home. The Missus and I are planning on going back one of these days for dinner. If I get the chest straightened out, I'll ride the Sportster down there for breakfast some day. 

Earlier Thursday morning I had a consultation with another medical professional concerning my chest. With my medical history she's of the opinion it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a scope done on my throat to see what's going on down there. She's inclined to think my problem is musculoskeletal, however. I'm at the point now that even though my doc is pretty much chasing her tail, I'm getting some tests done that may prove valuable in the future. In the meantime, I'm going to pursue a couple of other venues in search of the guy who says you've got torn muscles, we need to stitch them back together. 

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