Saturday, May 11, 2024

Proof of Concept


I worked on the shift lever yesterday. The splines all looked good on the top side and the fit is good, however, there was enough tool deflection that I didn't end up with much in the way of splines on the bottom of the bore. I cut the individual grooves with two passes but what I probably should have done was cut them with either 3 or 4 light cuts rather than trying to hog them out with just two. 

Actually what I should have done was taken Surly's advice from the start and bought a lever from eBay and been done with it. However, I like doing this sort of thing. What I don't like is wasting a lot of time just to prove to myself I can do something when I need to see some progress and having a sore chest when I'm finished turning the cranks. I might just bite the bullet now and buy a lever so I can get this bike done. 

I've got my last Ham radio class this morning and scheduled to take the test next week. I've been spending a lot of time studying but should be able to pass the test without any difficulty now. I got the results from the cardiac stress test back. They came in on the portal rather than being contacted by the doctor's office. I'm not sure what all I was looking at on the results, but no-one told me to get to the emergency room or anything, so I guess I'm OK there. I've got another test this coming week that probably won't help diagnose the chest problem either, but like the other tests, it won't tell me what's wrong with what I want to know specifically, but it will confirm the fact I don't have anything else wrong with me. That's worth something. 

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