Saturday, May 25, 2024


 I spent most of yesterday in the house waiting on a phone call from the next doctor in line, I did make it out in the morning for a bicycle ride - 3 miles, 2-1/2 the day before. The upright position on the commuter seems to be do-able without causing me too much chest pain.

First year of cherries on the tree I planted years ago. The seed for the tree is a from a batch of cherries I bought when doing a bike trip out west. I'm looking forward to eating a few of these when they ripen - maybe even bake a pie if there's enough of them.

I'm not sure what this one is. At one time there was another cherry tree planted there - a Montmorency pie cherry as I recall. I'm not sure what happened to it and how this magnolia got there in its place. You would think I'd remember, but there are ramifications to having been dropped on your head a few times. The blossoms have a lovely fragrance, however.

Wednesday included a trip to the dentist. I got a few surprises there as to the required treatment and the cost of same. It's not worth going into the details here, but it's going to cost a pretty penny. Not real happy about that but it won't break the bank, thank goodness.

Cuzzin Ricky and I are off on the dead relatives' tour today. The weather's looking to be the nicest day of the long weekend, with rain in the forecast for Sunday and Monday. While none of our relatives gave their lives in service to our country, both of our fathers served in the Army during World War Two. However, not much point in planting flowers on their graves in November. It's a privilege to remember where we came from by keeping the graves of our ancestors in good repair and planting some flowers every year.  

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