Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bench Work


I finished painting the bench after a slight delay. First something came up, then it rained, and then we had several days of gusty winds. Since I painted the end pieces with oil base paint, I didn't want them to get full of wind-blown sand. If I had some help, I would have had them give me a hand and move the bench into the shop. But then I would've needed help moving it back later on - wasn't worth the aggravation and the job's done now.

I've got a couple of things ordered that should be coming soon. A new seat for the bicycle and a brush cutting weed whacker that has a saw blade on it. I made the mistake of planting some bamboo out by the railroad tracks a few years ago and it's taken over quite a bit of the property. If it wasn't for the "transitory" inflation, I probably wouldn't have spent the money but every day the dollar shrinks in value. Might as well buy anything I need now or may in the future before the dollar is completely worthless and that includes a ham radio. 

I went to the club meeting the other night and the President of the club had been to the "hamfest" in Ohio. From what I understand, he goes annually and if he sees a good deal he buys it and then sells it without any markup to club members. He called me yesterday and after talking a few things over, he said he'll have everything I'll need to mount the radio in my truck when I see him next week. 

That's about all the budget is going to take for a while. I just paid off a big dentist bill and I've got more to come. Shame I wasn't born rich instead of good looking.

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