Sunday, July 21, 2024

Crappy Day

 Actually, it was a beautiful day. It's just that I started off the day cleaning the cat's litter box, then shoveled out the hen house and finished with the dog's "poop" park. 

I'm down to only four chickens now. The last Rhode Island Red died the other day. I don't know how old she actually was, but had to be close to 100 in chicken years. I got her and three others from a student at the college in 2016. I don't know how old they were at that time, but she made it at least ten years.


The muffler, such as it is, for the jitney project arrived a few days ago. It's a loose fit in the 3" tube with no obvious way of keeping it in the tube. I need to make something I can weld on to it that will hold it snug, so it doesn't rattle, and won't restrict the flow either. Maybe something as simple as welding a couple of nuts onto the spiral blades and drilling holes in the outer tube to bolt it in.

In addition to the muffler, I bought the rear brakes and Speedway sent along a '55 Chevy sticker set, a Speedway bumper sticker and a set of Speedway playing cards celebrating their 70th anniversary. Nice of them to send that along, because if it's one thing I need more of, it's ephemera.

I repaired the flat tire on the bicycle the other day with a new tube. The old tube had been patched twice already. Put in 5 miles each of the last two days - going walking this morning with Coach Jen. She's a personal trainer and I want to get her opinion on a couple of fitness things. I'm going to be 74 in a couple of months. I'm not in as good of shape as I want to be, but how good of shape should a guy my age actually be? By what metric is that determined? Going to cautiously start a bit of strength training this week. She should be able to shed a little light on all of this.

Life is good, other than the big storm, the weather has been ideal by my reckoning. Getting caught up on the yard work and a few other odd jobs. Not so sure what to think about the assassination attempt. Looks like the truth of what actually occurred will be like the Kennedy assassination - we'll never know. I don't like to discuss politics here, but I have to say, Trump is a tough old bird. They've done everything they can to destroy the man, including shooting him, but he's like a Timex: "Takes a lickin' but keeps on tickin'." 


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