Saturday, July 6, 2024

Electronics Plus


I would guess that applies to the smart phones and computers as well. I don't do much with my phone other than talking to a few people, but I do use it to text. I have it set up so it rings only if the number is in my directory. I had to do that after receiving calls about Medicare insurance and other silliness. I do spend quite a bit of time on the computer - usually an hour or so in the morning feeding my paranoia, then a little time during the middle of the day checking my e-mail, and then another hour or so in the evening working on my blog and checking a few others. 

When I was out running around the other day, I bought another 10mm combination wrench. I needed one when I was installing the radio and couldn't find mine. I have one with an open end on one end and a ratcheting box on the other end, but I don't know what I did with the regular combination wrench. I don't remember when the last time I used it. I could have misplaced it when I was sorting all the tools I received from my sister-in-law not too long ago. It's rare that I lose tools but if you're going to work on most anything these days, a 10mm wrench is essential.

The 10-32 machine screws are just to have in stock. When I first moved here about 25 years ago, neither of the hardware stores locally carried anything fine thread. One of the stores has since closed up and the other one has changed their inventory to include some fine thread stuff, but I like to keep a good supply of hardware here at the shack. Gas is almost $4.00/gallon again, so a trip to the hardware store for a couple of machine screws costs close to $4.00. Both of the packages in the photo were less than that, so might as keep a little inventory, not to mention the time involved. 

Going walking this morning - weather should be nice and I need to start training for a race walk in about six weeks.  

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