Saturday, July 27, 2024

More Bronson

A little short Michael Parks' tune. He did quite a bit of singing, something like four albums to his credit. The above tune has an Arlo Guthrie vibe to it by my ear. Of course, that's the ear with a dead spot in part of the range and tinnitus across all of it. But I've been bit hard by the Bronson bug. Not hard enough to buy the 2 CD set of all the tunes used on the show for $200 on eBay.

 But I did spring $15 for the movie. One of these nights soon, instead of watching Perry Mason reruns, I'll settle in with some popcorn and an adult beverage and watch Bronson. Instead of doing the scooter cannonball next year, maybe a trip on the Sportster, Bronson style. The biggest impediment to traveling any distance is the small gas tank. That only has about a 100-mile range. Nothing that can't be dealt with, however. Reason enough to get it done as far as that goes.

The gas line in the photo is for my whole house generator. The gas guys came out not too long ago and plumbed in a line and checked everything out, however, the line they put in is stiff tubing. With the line I picked up yesterday, it'll be easy to switch out the line between the two extra tanks I've got if the big tank out back runs dry. The big computer glitch the other day once again pointed out the need to be ready for who knows what. Now if the grid goes down, I'll be able to stay in the shack and watch my Bronson movie.

Coach Jen sent me some info for a 5K at the end of August. It's relatively close, and there's a walking class, so I started training yesterday with a bit of race walking. My cardio is terrible, as is my form, but I'm shooting for a 40 minute 5K as long as I train diligently. Not even close to my time when I was a contender, but that's OK. Now I'll be working on strength training and cardio, which is what I should be doing on a regular basis. Actually, all of us should be.   

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