Thursday, August 22, 2024



I'm not currently suffering from the blues and there's no-one I need to put down for a little while. The class at the college got off to a roaring start - waiting to see if we'll be able to get out in the shop next week. If I'm still stuck in the classroom, I'll be singing the blues then. The good thing about all of this is once we have access to the shop, we can be out there all night with classroom sessions not much more than taking attendance and lining them up with the night's assignment.

Surly came down the other night. He's going to try and make it a weekly thing like it used to be at the high school. He's going to give me a hand with some sorely needed cleaning and organizing. We made the first move by bolting together a stock rack. He seems to think being able to see the corners of the shop might not be a bad idea. I'm a pack rat, no doubt about it, but there's a limit to how much crap I should keep because "I might need that someday."

The vise project is officially finished. I straightened out the screw for the moveable jaw and I found some Allen screws that were just about right in my can of oddball Allen heads - stainless no less - to bolt the jaw liner plates in place. That's why I never want to throw anything away. If I'm going to get things cleaned up, however, I'm going to have to be a bit ruthless, however painful that may be.

There was another article in the Epoch Times addressing the issue of "Why Billion-Dollar Warships Were Prematurely Retired and Destroyed." I really liked the part about using many of the ships with years of service life left in them being used for target practice. I went to the grocery store yesterday and a can of whipped cream and a loaf of rye bread cost me $9.58. I'm really glad the Navy is using my tax dollars to create fish attractors in the middle of the ocean while my grocery bill keeps creeping up.

It won't be long and we'll all be singing the blues. 

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