Sunday, October 27, 2024


 I went to the courthouse last week to pick up our mail-in ballots, not realizing we needed to fill out applications first. The nice young lady said they needed to be returned by 4:00 PM that day or filled out online by 11:59 that night. No way the Missus was going to be able to fill hers out and return it by 4:00 since she was out for the day, but the clerk got me lined up to do the online thing, so that's what we did. I'm still not sure I'm even going to mail mine in, however.

I've voted in every election since I became of age - and look where that's gotten me. The country is 35 trillion in debt and rising and the only way they'll stop printing money is if they burn the bearings out of the presses, which wouldn't surprise me what with them running them non-stop for the last few years. 

The Feds have allowed or expedited the influx of illegal aliens that for the most part have no job or English language skills. Like the recent influx of Haitians to Logansport, Indiana, they receive a debit card and housing, but because they have no skills, they can't get a job with a livable wage. So what do they do when the debit card runs out? Become a burden on the town and county, that's what. And don't forget your tax dollars are also supporting war in Ukraine and the Middle East while 20% of the young people in this country are food insecure. But the feds did buy some electric chainsaws for the unfortunate hurricane victims. Of course they didn't have electricity, which also made it tough to sign up for their $750.00 relief checks. "Doing a heckuva job there, Brownie."

I've just had enough of the saboteurs in Washington destroying the country. Those of us in the middle class seem to be the primary target. Once we all become dependent on the government teat, they'll have us all under their thumb and we'll be forced to do whatever they please or they'll cut us off from our welfare checks. The rich and powerful will become more rich and powerful and voting will be an exercise in futility - which it might be already. They did after all cheat big time in the last election, hurried up and verified the election in spite of the improprieties, and then threw all the "insurrectionists" in the big house for daring to visit Congress unannounced.   

You need to do what you think is best on November 5th. I'm still thinking of writing in Cyndi Lauper for president. Like her, I too just want to have fun. However, before casting your ballot keep in mind what George Carlin said: "It's a big club and you're not in it."

Early morning edit: Powerful message concerning the election here.

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