Saturday, October 19, 2024

That's a New One on Me


The "chimney sweep" was here yesterday to clean out the fireplace chimney. After he left, I worked on recertifying my boxing coach's license. Nothing difficult, just a couple of hours on the computer. 

Afterwards, I grabbed the dog for a walk down to the mailbox to take advantage of the beautiful weather and clear the cobwebs after spending all that time working on my license recertification. As we approached the mailbox I heard something coming down the road, but I couldn't identify the sound. The reason I couldn't identify the sound was because I don't recall ever hearing a pickup truck driving down the road on the rims. There was another pickup following behind it with the flashers on. They both turned around in the parking lot of the tavern and headed back my way, so I was able to get the photo.

This is the soundtrack for a lot of what goes on in the county - been guilty of a little bit of it myself over the years.

The dog decided to walk the perimeter while we were out, and I spied this along the back fence line. It's a good 12"-14" across. I took the photo later when I went out to mow with the phone and I had an old camera with a couple of shots of B&W left on the roll, so I finished off the roll on the fungus. I might have to brew up another batch of developer but I'd like to get the roll developed before too much longer. I've got a few more negatives I'd like to print but I'd like to see what I've got on this roll first.

I'm planning on doing a bit of yard work today, as well as working on the engine stand from the previous post.


  1. the grill is out and the hood tied down. we'll never know what happened or what was going on. maybe some kind of weird repossession situation. or the driver was drunk and drove over something and they are trying to get back home before being DUI'ed.

  2. I didn't recognize either of the drivers or the vehicles - don't think they were local, but I can't imagine traveling any distance on the rims. I just chalked it up to a sign of the times.
