Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Regulator & Speed Bag Platform


The regulator/water trap and the manifold came in. While looking to see what I needed from the hardware store, I discovered the fitting on the switch is not 1/4" NPT like all the others, but rather a 9/16-18 bolt thread. Fortunately, I've got a tap that size so I'm going to tap one of the holes in the manifold for it and then I should be able to assemble everything. I bought fittings, including a union, so I can assemble everything on the bench and then stick the whole unit on the compressor tank.

I did a little preliminary design work on the speed bag platform I'm building on the shop floor - not my preferred method - but I've been doing it my whole career as necessary starting way back when I was learning the trade with Uncle Pete. 

The rest of the details are sketched out on the cast iron platen along with some actual layout lines for when I weld it together. Now that I've got it figured out, I'll need one more drawing similar to the sketch above I can use to determine the angles and then lay the pieces directly on the layout to tack together. It's kind of a long process when you're the designer and the detailer, but drawing things out full size really helps me visualize the finished product and hopefully catch any design flaws.

Had my annual check-up at the cardiologist yesterday - good report. He told me to come back when I'm 75.

Went to the college after the doctor appointment and ran the track torch for a couple of hours. I cut the welds out of the certification plates they started on Monday. By cutting the welds out, they can use the same plates several times. Saves a lot of material that way. In a week or so I'll have them cutting their own plates. If you're going to be a fabricator, you need to know how to run a track torch.

I normally write these posts the night before they go up, so I hadn't heard anything concerning the election results. There should be plenty to absorb today, though.

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