Monday, December 16, 2024

A Few From the Archives


Beautiful version of the song. I like the Sergio Mendes & Brazil '66 version about as much - just depends on my mood.

Ireland trip from 2019 - would have made Scotland the following year if it hadn't been for Covid.

Points cover I made for one of the Sprints. If I had access to a CNC mill, I'd make a handful of them. The one I bought to put on the race motor was actually for a Triumph. It worked, but this one's a little better.

The beginning of the Jitney project. Sweep the floor, make the layout and start making pieces.

I love living in the country. Even something as simple as a corn field can be beautiful on a rainy day.

Pretty in the winter as well. I do need to finish the railing on the veranda, however.

Production has ground to a halt for a few more days due to me having to wait on the Missus hand and foot because of her broken wrist. I am going to try and get the sled for the Jen-nasium knocked out this week. While it's not a 911 job, I want to finish it before I start on anything else. I've got a few indoor jobs to keep me busy while I'm waiting for the all-clear, though.


  1. here is a version that is pretty scary in a way. listen to beautiful musical instruments as~if you were there and what it would sound like. yes, you were imagining yourself on large big bass drum wearing a tuxedo- you rush to the restrooms and miss the scene where the car goes over the cliff then explodes in a GIANT fireball. "did I miss any thing good?" as you get back to your seat. SSHHHHHHH!!! from a mean lady behind you.

  2. I have a hard time imagining myself watching car crashes while listening to The Look of Love. No problem imagining other things with that as the soundtrack, however.
