Sunday, December 8, 2024

Good Weather for Working


FedEx was kind enough to leave a package in front of the garage door rather than by the front door of the house. I didn't notice it when I backed the car out, so I managed to run it over. Fortunately, I just caught the corner of the box and the contents were pretty stout, so no real damage. The FedEx drivers must have got their training at FEMA. 

Speaking of which, I sent an email off to my Congressman expressing my disappointment over the handling of the hurricane relief, in particular, the pledging of a billion dollars to foreign nations when that money could go a long way towards helping the hurricane victims. 

Since it was a warm day yesterday and I don't have any heat in the woodshop, I figured it was a good time to rip down the runners for the sled. 

I also got the log splitter out of the garage and put it to work. I got a decent size pile split up in no time what-so-ever. I have to admit it's a lot easier on an old man than wedges and a sledge. The only problem is the tongue weight. I picked it up and got it hitched without straining my back or chest, but when it came time to unhook it, I got my little floor jack and raised it up high enough to get the stiff leg down with a block underneath it. Since I parked it outside, I put a tarp over it to protect it.

Planning on doing a little more on the sled today. Coach Jen is planning on opening up the Jen-nasium on January 6th. She won't need the sled for that, but I've got plenty more to do.

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