Friday, December 6, 2024

Making & Donating


The "phone booth" training ring. Jimmy says it's about 5x5 inside the ropes. The tubing on the floor is what I shortened up and drilled the holes in. Another satisfied customer.

Yesterday I drilled the holes in the skis for the sled job and sorted the hardware order that came in. I need to trim the width of the plastic runners and then clamp the runners to the skis and drill the holes for bolting it on. Maybe get a little more done today but I need to take the Missus to the hospital for a test this morning - nothing serious, mostly routine.

And going along with the previous post, here's a link to Appalachia's Homestead and a place to make a donation that will do some good. She basically said in her blog post the same as I did. We can give away a billion dollars to Africa but can't help tax-paying citizens of our own country.  

Pinned by Appalachia's Homestead with Patara


The Giving Tree Link HERE: If sending a CHECK (*MUST BE RECEIVED by 12-15-2024) - PLEASE make the check to High Country Community Health with THE GIVING TREE written in the bottom left memo line to designate your check for this cause. 

High Country Community Health 
Attention Julia 
448 Cranberry Street 
Newland, NC 28657

If you can give a little something, please do. I realize times are hard, especially with Christmas coming up, but these people have lost everything and they'll die of old age waiting for the government to help them. If they don't freeze or starve to death first, that is.

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