The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has an interesting proposition for you. How about coming to stay for a month? Like 24/7 for a month. Sound like fun? Then you need to get your proposal in quickly. The applications are due in by August 11th. The Missus told me about this the other day. In fact, she suggested I put in for it. I don't know if she just wants me out of the house or she knows that this is the kind of thing I would really enjoy. After looking into it, I must say it does look like quite the little adventure. You even get to spend the night in the U-505 submarine among other places. That's definitely a chance of a lifetime plus much better than some of the places I've slept in over the years.
The museum has a list of attributes and physical requirements they're looking for in their visitor. The physical requirements are actually less difficult than being a welding teacher. They require you to be able to lift 40lbs. - a box of welding rods is 50 - so that's covered. You need to be able to stand on your feet for long periods of time as well as climb stairs. Of course there is the mandatory drug and background check and I'm sure they want some assurance you're not afraid of the dark or will get spooked and start tearing up their priceless artifacts. Computer and photography skills are a plus, and you need to be able to deal with the public with a smile - they specifically mentioned the smile. Those are qualifications that most school teachers or car salesmen have so that's not going to eliminate too many people. The required DVD and essay then will be the deciding factors. You need a 60 second video of why you're qualified and a 500 word essay as to why you want to do this gig.
I'm working on applying. I talked to a co-worker, Jeff, about some help putting the video together and Surly is in the pipeline for a little photographic assistance. I've been fairly successful in the past writing applications such as this but the video has me a little concerned. I'm not all that creative to begin with and have basically no video experience. Jeff is and does. Time is the limiting factor.
I'm going to hookup with Surly and get a couple of photos and do a little brainstorming. I've got a week to get things done and still have plenty of time to get everything to Chicago without having to hand deliver it on the 11th. We'll see what happens.