Monday, February 28, 2011

Hail of a Day

Never ending

Spiral Stair

New Step

Hail on the front steps

Hail of a day and a hell of a week. I was out in my shop when the hail came in yesterday. Lots of noise on the tin roof. Didn't accomplish much while I was out there either, as far as that goes.

Got quite a bit done this past week, however. Got the spiral staircase stood up, the steps aligned and the new balusters cut. Should be able to have those welded on in the next few days and then start bending the railing. Moved ten desks through the shop last week. I've also been working on my curriculum mapping. Had a pleasant chat with the boss about that. I went in to see him about a question I had and he had just received a phone call about a couple of knuckleheads in a class upstairs. I thought we could walk and talk while he went to investigate - should be a real easy one. That didn't work out at all. Apparently the interruption by the little hooligans pissed him off quite a bit. I'll try again today. Had a chat with one of the assistant principals the other day as well. He just passed the buck - should have seen that one coming. Also had a chat with the tech guy about my grading system on the computer. He gave me the order has to come from "on high" thing. So I'm still stuck in the middle on that one. Three tries, three no goes. I really like the ease with which things get done. Did put a couple of hours in on the old curriculum thing at home this weekend, though. Depending on how things go with the boss, I should have all that monkey business taken care of by Spring Break.

I'm flying to Virginia in about a week and a half for Jimmy's fight. I did a little packing this weekend. I'll only be home for a few days prior to leaving for Italy so I want to have everything pretty much ready to go by next weekend. The Golden Gloves starts the week we fly to Va. so we'll miss the first night of the fights. Not sure if we have anyone scheduled for that night or not. You only get about a weeks notice. Going to be busy, that's for sure.

Have a good week and remember not everything you read in the papers about education is the teacher's fault. We get lots of help.

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