Friday, February 25, 2011

Sophia & Moodle

Photos from here: Might want to wait until you get home to check out the website.

I'm trying to get my taxes and a couple of other things finished before I start my travels to Virginia and Italy. I've got a little bit of shopping to do yet and I have to do some curriculum mapping BS at school. That will be followed sometime soon by Moodle for my lesson plans. The school corporation wants everything we do on computer. I think they're worried that all the good teachers will drag up and the corporation will actually have to furnish curriculum for the new teachers. I'm sure whatever we post will be backed up somewhere so it will never go away unless the corporation wills it so.

I've had a couple of short training sessions on Moodle, and if you were so inclined you could spend a lot of time preparing something that the students, the administration and you could use. Don't really see that happening with me, however. Right now it's just another chore that needs to be done. However, it could be the avenue I follow if I decide to get real ambitious in video taping lessons and putting my lesson plans up for all to see. I'd be a little more inclined to do just that if I was given some time to perform these things. And if I could personalize my homepage with a picture of Sophia looking back at me, that might make things a little more pleasant, also. Or, maybe I'll just do the minimum on Moodle and copyright everything else. If they want it, they can buy it from me. If I have to do all the work on my own time, that should make it mine. Interesting thought, that. All the teacher's lessons copyrighted. I kind of like that idea. I think I might pursue that angle a little.

I added a link to the Traveling Pirate. Our former Union Prez's big adventure in Spain. Good stuff.


  1. Sophia. One of a kind there.

    I like the copyright idea. They'd never pay ya for it though, just make some FNG (F**kin New Guy) do it all.
    Ya never know, the way .gov entities spend money you may get surprised.

    Read that Hillsdale article, yeah I need more shit like that for my mental hygiene.

  2. Yeah I hid all my Moodle stuff when I quit. The new guy asked if he could have all my digital files. Uh, no. Imagine my surprise when I logged into Moodle one day and it was all back up. How difficult do you think that all (PowerPoints, worksheets) would be to copyright? I'd love to screw them.

  3. Unk: Being paid for what I do on my own time is out of the question. In light of what's going on in education, screwing with them seems like a fun pastime, however. If you read the comment from Traveling Pirate, you'll see they have no problem giving your intellectual property away.

    should stay away from the Hillsdale type stuff myself. I'm about to bite the heads off of puppies.

    Traveling Pirate: I'm sure I never signed a contract that states that any material developed while in their employ remains with them. I damn sure know that anything I'm going to develop is going to be mine if I do it on my own time and at my own expense. You need to find a shyster and have him send a cease and desist letter. Grandma Marilyn would love that. Last tag!
