I had a wisdom tooth pulled Thursday afternoon - that was a lot of fun. As you can see from the photo, the roots curled quite a bit. And, of course, they curled the wrong direction for an easy extraction. So now a day and a half later, I've got a big hole in the back of my mouth and a sore jaw. It also has necessitated the changing of the diet. I'm suffering from chips and cookies withdrawal but eating oatmeal and yogurt is probably a lot better for me anyway. I'm going to try and lose a few pounds starting next week in the interest of lowering my blood pressure and just feeling better. Weaning myself off of chips and cookies is probably a good way to start.
I had to go in to school yesterday. I planned on getting some things organized, cleaned up and working on the computer. I got the clean-up taken care off. I went down to the Wood Shop to see about getting a little organization to both the shop and what I'm going to be doing. Struck out on the computer, though. I figured I'd sit down and get a start on my Moodle lesson plans but the computer wouldn't work. They were hooking up a projector in there and apparently didn't finish that job, so no computer. I've been asking for a projector for three years, so at least there's one hanging from the ceiling. I probably should have specified that I wanted one that worked. My bad. I did finish welding the lifting brackets while I was in there, so not a total waste of time.
School starts Monday and the little darlings report Tuesday. My 36th start but only one more after this one. Not sure what the heck I'm going to do in the Wood Shop this year but I think there might be a wooden boat in there someplace. With school starting, I'm going to be busy as hell until I finish the barn but they changed the hours, so I'll be getting home a little earlier every afternoon. I should be able to get a little something done every day until it's finished.
Happy birthday to the Missus today. We keep getting older but considering the alternative, that's a good thing.
I'm off to help with the 5K run and walk now. I'm going to be keeping an eye on the race walkers to make sure they don't cheat. Since I'm not competing, might as well help out a little. Hope the rain holds off.
Have a good weekend.
Tell her Happy Birthday from all of us!!