Thursday, August 11, 2011

Walls Are Ready

I finished up the walls yesterday. I got all the purlins installed and put up a few more diagonal braces. Those, in addition to the OSB sheets on the corners, should keep everything together once the lid is back on. The braces are screwed on rather than nailed which should make them a little more storm resistant as well as make them easier to remove when the time comes. I'll probably insulate and cover the inside walls at a later date. Maybe just run some more OSB around it. I've got plenty of time to decide that.

I started pulling the floor up last evening so I could set the lifting beams. Seems the boys glued and nailed the floor panels down. I got one side done before the mosquitoes started to swarm over me. I'm going to work on some odds and ends this morning and get a wisdom tooth pulled this afternoon. I have to go in to work tomorrow, so I probably won't get back to the barn project until Sat. afternoon. I've got stuff going on Sunday as well, so if I'm lucky, I might be able to have the lifting beams ready to go before Monday. Of course, they are forecasting more rain for the weekend.

So it looks like I'm not quite going to be back to where I started the summer on this project. It's taken up most of the summer but it's actually been kind of fun. Lot's of hard work in the miserable heat and humidity but an interesting challenge. If the lifting and setting of the roof goes as planned, then it will be worth a pat on the back and maybe an "Atta Boy". If it doesn't go as planned, well, I don't even want to think about that.

My favorite Ducati of all time - 900 SS. Photo from here.

When the barn gets done, it'll be time to work on the projects again. I'm thinking I really need to get a street bike together. I've got a lot to do at school the first couple of weeks - new class to teach, Moodle thing to master, get my self organized a little - and then I'll be able to tackle a few things. Every time I go out into my shop I hear the 900 Kaw calling my name. If I drug that over to school and spent a few evenings or Saturday afternoons working on it, I'd have it done pretty quick. Not really that much more to do. Be nice to have a bike to ride again. Been a long time now since I had something to ride. That needs to change.

Enough resting. Gotta get a little something done.

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