Monday, May 13, 2013


I started my first week on vacation with a trip to the dentist and a tooth extraction. So now I've got a big hole where the tooth used to be but rather than being empty, it's filled with the magic bone grafting powder. I didn't realize this before showing up there that the magic powder can come from human, bovine or porcine bone. While I was signing off on the form, the dental assistant said it was from a human cadaver. I looked at the Missus upon hearing that and we both said "Johnny" at the same time, that being the name of my deceased brother who donated his body last year. After numbing me up and pulling the tooth, they ladled the grafting powder into the hole and the dentist then sutured up things to keep the powder in the hole. I go back in a couple of months and then they'll check things out and see about an implant. Pretty impressive really, regrowing the jaw bone. Lots of advances in dentistry in the last fifty years.

The Missus and I spent the weekend in Southern Indiana. The photo above was taken from our room at the Clifty Falls Inn. While there's a nice view of the Ohio River and the rainbow off to the left side, the power plant and the big smoke stack sort of takes a little something away from the beauty of the hill across the river in Kentucky. Regardless, we had a nice visit with some friends of ours from Madison and my sister-in law, where we stopped on the way down and on the way back as it turned out. 

I bought gas down that way for $3.49/gallon on Saturday. When I came home from work on Thursday it was $4.09/gallon, having gone up something like thirty cents overnight. When I went to the dentist most of the stations I passed were all selling regular for over four dollars. I wish someone would explain how gas can jump thirty cents per gallon over night without a tanker pulling into the station and how it can sell for fifty or sixty cents/gallon higher at one end of the state than the other. As far as that goes, why do all the companies raise their prices at the same time? I did see a bunch of the Toyota Prius models going down I-65. In fact, we even got passed by a Tesla on the Interstate. Maybe the oil companies are afraid that the electric and hybrid models are going to limit their profits to just a few million this year so they just decided to spike the prices real quick to boost the profits. The first quarter had just ended. Have to keep the dividends flowing so the stockholders will be happy.

Time for pudding.


  1. Been reading your blog for a couple years now and have always enjoyed what you have to say, usually brings a smile and a chuckle. Enjoyed the pudding comment, been there, done that.

    Dave Deardorff

  2. Glad you enjoy the blog. You've probably heard many of the same educational comments made by sources closer to home, however.

    Today I'm having some mash potatoes with my pudding. Still have some pain but the biggest concern is to make sure I don't poke a hole in the patch and allow the graft material to escape. Pretty impressed by the ability to regenerate the jaw bone.

  3. We went to Clifty Falls when I was a kid and I've been wanting to go back ever since. Perhaps I should focus my travels a little more locally.

  4. You can do both. Madison/Clifty Falls would make for a nice four day weekend. Shopping/eating/hiking/relaxing - nice place to visit. The Lanier Mansion is there as well as a lot of other old architectural gems. You'd enjoy it.
