Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Funghi & Larry

They said the jaw bone graft material could come from a pig. I was doing a little rooting around out back and even though I didn't come up with any truffles, I did find some mushrooms, or funghi as they say in Italy. These morels are about the only ones I feel safe eating and every year I always get a few that pop up. In the past I would saute them in a little butter and chow down. Maybe this time I'll saute them in olive oil with some garlic and onion and toss them in with some brown rice. Most of the pain and swelling have gone down with the jaw so I can enjoy eating them.

And this is Larry. We picked him up from the sister-in-law last weekend. He's twenty weeks old and as you can tell in the photo, cute as any puppy can be. We got another dog recently but that relationship just didn't pan out. The dog got progressively meaner every day to the point that I couldn't get back into the house if I went outside. The last morning he was there I walked by him and he tried to take a bite out of my ass. Not sure what went wrong there but Larry should be just what we were looking for. Actually we didn't have much of anything in mind but the Missus and I both wanted another dog and this one ought to do the trick.

I've got some yard/garden work to finish up and then it's time to spend a little quality time out in the shop. I've got a machining job to do for my brother and a guy I used to work with has a little something he wants me to make for him. I'm going to try and get to work on the 900 in the next couple of days as well. I want to get the swingarm tubing bent and tacked on. I get that done I'm going to tackle widening the rear wheel. Need to have something to post besides puppy photos!.

Off to the mower. 

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