Friday, August 15, 2014

Buon Ferragasto

La Dolce Vita

Eye-Tie holiday today. Doubt seriously if I ever make it back to Italy again but I consider myself real lucky to have been there, not just once but twice. Love to do a motorcycle tour of the northern part of the country some day. However, if I want to scratch the Italy itch in the future I'll probably have to settle for watching Fellini movies. 

In the meantime, I'm living the sweet life out in the shop and around the shack. Finished up a couple of little jobs inside - one of which was accomplished with the much safer table saw - and did a bit of yard work outside. Not much done on the bike the last couple of days but all of the parts I ordered have come in. The dealer called yesterday telling me the ignition advance kit was in so the Missus, the dog and I took a pleasant little drive in the country and picked those up. I've got one more week of vacation to get things done. Should have the bike close to being together by the time school starts and have a few more things checked off the project list. The weather's been co-operating nicely with cool temperatures and just enough rain to keep the garden and the farmer's crops doing well.

La Dolce Vita indeed.

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