Saturday, August 16, 2014

New Parts

Coil mount, electrical terminal strip and ignition advance kit for the Sportster sitting on top of the parts manual. I printed out, three hole punched and loaded into a binder pert near the whole parts manual. The parts manual is worth its weight in gold when putting one of these things together, especially if you weren't the one who took it apart. Now that I've got most everything I need to put the bike together, I just need to do that. I need to get back in the swing of things so I can locate all my tools and get things functional, as well. 

I was going to buff up the heads of a couple of stainless socket head bolts and couldn't find the buffer. It's on a stand, so it takes up a bit of room but I hadn't used it since I retired from the high school. Since it's fairly large it could only be so many places and since I made the thing as a machining project in one of my college classes way back when, I knew I didn't leave it at the school. It only took a few minutes walking between buildings to find but it definitely sent the message that I need to work with the tools a little more if for no other reason than I'll know where they are. Anyway, the bolt heads are nice and shiny now and the gauges, headlight, kickstarter, and shift lever will be held on with shiny stainless Allen heads, the same as the engine case covers. 

I also started on a bracket for the ignition switch and choke cable - engine turned aluminum. Time consuming as hell but I think it will look pretty cool when it's done and installed. The top engine mount is a non-standard item, so the ignition switch and horn don't fit up like factory but I think what I've got planned will look nice, and if I wanted to go all stock, I can always do that by buying a new engine mount. I'll be able to tell when I get the switch bracket done and bolted on. If it looks good, I'll keep it. If not, shop for a mount.

Have a good weekend.

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