Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Machining News

Freddie doing a little trick riding

and Renzo doing what the Italians do so well - looking cool!

I found both of these here. Lots of photos of bike racing from the 60's and 70's. Seems I keep drifting back that way. This keeps up I'll be puttin' the bell bottoms back on and I'll be workin' on the bikes, drinkin' long neck Rhinelanders. Only $3.99/case back in the day as long as you had a case of empties to return. 

Meanwhile back in the present, I had an interesting conversation Monday with a new hire at the college. Seems they're going to be starting a machining program and this guy is the man in charge. He said he hopes to have the equipment in place by January for the start of the Spring semester. Seems too the equipment is going to be in the lab where I'm currently working. That helps explain the move to a full time lab tech in there. I still don't want to go back to work full time but having access to a machine shop could be lots of fun - especially if the job has insurance. That'd save me a ton of money. Regardless of how that all works out, I might sign up for a class with him if it fits my teaching schedule. I can take the course free as an employee and I could learn a little more about CNC programming and get some formal training in machining. They will be offering both a machining certificate and an Associates Degree. 

It's already got me thinking about getting a CNC retro-fit for my Bridgeport or maybe a Tormach. Man, I've got to stay healthy so I can somehow work all the things I want to do into the next twenty years or so. $7K for the machine, another couple grand for some concrete, insulation, etc. in the back part of my shop - lets round it off to $10K. Spread that out over twenty years = $500.00/year. Hell, that's cheaper than cable television. The wheels are turning now.


  1. Why not give it a shot? Getting certified or even a degree would be a good addition to your skillset and credentials. You'd also be learning on how to use the CNC machine. People are realizing what stuff they can create with these machines, so getting some formal training can help you get that, as opposed to doing it by yourself, which has certain limitations. Keep us posted on your decision!

    Deborah Williams @ Choice Career College

  2. I talked to the interim dean about the full time lab tech position and she encouraged me to apply. I talked to the Missus and she's good with whatever I decide but if I wanted to work full time I could have just stayed where I was at. I think I'll stick with teaching a couple of classes, see about taking the machining course, continue to get my shop at home in order and in a year or two I can just stay home and play with the toys - maybe even finish the little Pennsy live steamer I started on years ago.
