Friday, August 29, 2014

Sidecars +

I found another spot for shots of classic motorcycle racing from the 50's & 60's. It's Classic Motorcycle Racing, surprisingly enough. While checking out some of the photos I came across the name Cat Crescent and it rang a bell. Rider and monkey were a Swiss couple who raced a very innovative outfit of their own design. Plus they had a really cool transporter - the Cat Van. Here's a good page for photos of same.

The Swiss have been a dominant force in sidecar racing for quite sometime. In addition to Rudi Kurth, Rolf Biland won world titles in a Louis Christen Racing sidecar outfit, a Swiss firm that has pretty much held a monopoly on competitive sidecar design since the 70's. Biland was involved in the development of the SwissAuto 500cc two-stroke that made something like 200 horsepower. Obviously there's more to the Swiss than chocolate, watches and pocket knives with red handles.

Didn't get much done on the Sportster the last few days. The weather has been beautiful so I did a little more painting on the house and other outside chores. I did pick up the speedo cable from the dealer and I painted the generator. It's looking like rain on and off the next few days, so I should be able to spend some time working on the bike. Also need to take a look at the pickup. Apparently the little squirrel has managed to chew a couple more wires, this in spite of the live trap I've got under it. 

Have a good weekend - enjoy the holiday.

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