Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rocky Road to Dublin

Spent most of the day yesterday on the road getting ready to go to Dublin along with a few other stops. Not the most pleasant of days to be out driving, however. We got freezing rain Monday night, fog when I was leaving the house and the backroads were pretty slick with the temperature hovering right around the freezing mark. The main roads weren't too bad - sloppy but relatively safe.

I talked to the travel agent to finalize the details on my upcoming trip, picked up my Euros, bought a new flip phone, and went to Menards - of course. They had the 1/2" round stock I needed for the slip roll. They carry the 1-1/2" black pipe the plans call for but three short pieces are going to cost quite a bit more than a ten foot piece so I'll grab a length next time I'm there. I had nice clothes on for a change and I didn't want to take a chance on getting them stained or I would have grabbed one while I was there. They didn't have the bushings I need, so I'll have to try someplace else for those.

I'm going to finish drilling and tapping the end plates and get those tacked down next. I'll be able to determine the exact length of the pipe rollers then. If I know the lengths, I'll just run over to the college when I get the pipe and cut them on the big band saw and finish weld the rest of it at the same time.

Surly said the petcocks for the BSA came in. I think that old dog is actually going to run this year. We got the bike from my brother after he passed and it'll be seven years coming up May 1st. It should have been done long before this but I was still recovering from the heart attack when he passed, then the Missus broke her shoulder and developed cancer - you all know how it goes. It's always something. But it'll happen.

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