Monday, February 11, 2019

Steady By Jerks

Engine parts for the slant six came in - gaskets, rings and bearings. As soon as we get a couple of semi-warm days, I'll get started on the assembly process. I need to borrow a ring compressor and filer from my buddy first, however.

I found these exhaust flanges on eBay. I'm going to have to get a set. If the slant six ever makes it into the "Speedway" racer, I'll make a 6 into 1 pipe that runs along side of the cockpit like they all used to. Probably not the most efficient way to scavenge the spent gas but if you're building a replica, it's the only way to go.

Made a little progress on the roller - drilled the holes in the feet and the plates that hold the end plates on. The feet are tack welded in place and I ground and filed one of the adjusters. It fits up nicely. I'll work on finishing up the rest of those and get the holes drilled and tapped in the end plates in the next few days. I'm going to have to get some 1/2" round stock before I can finish this thing but I'm getting ready for the Ireland trip and I'm looking to close out my credit card so I don't want to put any more charges on it.

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