Friday, June 14, 2019

Amy Black

On our way home from Kansas the other day, Cuzzin Ricky and I took US 36 across Missouri for a good portion of our eastward journey. Much of it was four lane and most all of it was rural driving, with the road skirting the towns rather than going through them. Nice drive with a 65 mph speed limit through the beautiful countryside. When I travel I usually scan through the "little" numbers on the radio dial to see what I can catch. We got lucky and picked up a pair of sister stations around Chillicothe that were playing a nice assortment of country, bluegrass and other songs that sort of fell into those categories. I'd never heard of Amy Black before. It's a shame there isn't a spot for her and many of the other artists we heard on our trip to be heard more often.

My buddy Kevin and I looked into what it would take to start a low watt station at the high school. If I was a little more tech savvy, I could probably get this stuff on the computer and pipe it out to the shop - wouldn't have to put up with a lot of the damn commercials either.

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